“HOW TO HAVE VICTORY OVER GUILT” INTRODUCTION: Man has developed many ways to pry into his inner self. Modern science has attempted to be able to determine the guilt or innocence of human behavior. The lie detector is used in legal proceedings. Third-degree interrogation with mental and physical brutality is used in police states and on prisoners of war. However, man’s greatest detection of right and wrong is his/her own conscience. It is divinely built into his inner man. We say things like, “the guilty look”. The eyes have a story to tell. They listen for guilty words, a person’s speech reveals right and wrong. What is the psychology of guilt? Guilt is considered to be a self-conscious and moral emotion because it involves an evaluation of the self, and it plays a crucial role in guiding moral behavior. Beyond feeling bad, guilt is also characterized by feelings of regret and tension. Strongest matches culpability disgrace indisc...